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Community run, team executed.

NUMB3RS | 3333 of the first utility centred tokens fully run by a community. Soon to revolutionize Ethereum.

Introduction to NUMB3RS

Instead of making a high class collection of groundbreaking artwork, 3d designs and an obscene amount of traits. Why not reimagine the space and create a collection of oddly simple yet utility packed NFTs?
What if there were to be a collection of 3333 plain and blank numbered tokens which don't appear to be much but act as a key to countless whitelists, giveaways and information on the NFT space? Let's make that a reality, but instead of being privately run with limited information to the public. How about we give the community a chance to control the future of this project. All decisions and utility made in this project will be voted on or written out by the community collectively. The only and first collection on Ethereum to be fully community run. We are NUMB3RS.

Community decisions

These sections of the website will be used for NUMB3RS holders to decide on the next steps of this project. Monthly there will be three options as to the next act of utility implemented in NUMB3RS. A similar concept will apply in the “Roadmap Vote” section. A new section of the roadmap will be suggested by each member of the community and the most brought up suggestion will be implemented and placed on the roadmap by the end of the month.

Whitelist Claim

This part of the website provides a stable utility for the community. Every Month holders will be presented three whitelist options from upcoming projects, they will then get the chance to select the access list they would prefer to be placed on and get the chance to mint an NFT from that specific collection. This feature is available to holders once a month with a large variety of collections to choose from.

Road Map V1

Community polls begin after mint

You may be wondering why you see a blank roadmap, the answer is simple. Each section except from the first will be written in completely by you in “Roadmap Votes” and implemented by us. Learn more about this in the “Community decisions ” section.

NUMB3RS takes it's place on the blockchain.

Revolutionizing the ETH space with the first fully community run utility based collection.











The team

We firmly believe in the community being the backbone of NUMB3RS. The “team” simply executes all actions decided on by the community and works behind the scenes to implement your choices. To put it simply, this project's “team” isn't important in the bigger picture and instead works towards enabling the community to run this project. That being said, the team will mostly remain a mystery. However due to the current amount of rugpulls in the space for community trust each of our team members will be open to chat and VC in the official discord, while also mentioning our immense experience.